Paddle Board Terms and Explanations

William Lester

If you're new to stand up paddle boarding, you might hear certain terminology that aren't quite clear to you.Paddle boarding has its own lingo, just like every other sport, and it might be a little confusing to people who don't paddle.In order to help you better understand paddle boarding, below is a collection of frequent terminology and their definitions. The following time you watch a SUP video, read a blog, or participate in a conversion, you won't struggle to understand what is being said. Definitions of Stand Up Paddle Board Terms A Adjustable Paddle With this paddle, you may change the...

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Paddle boarding for Beginners

William Lester

Bring the Correct Paddle Boarding Equipment Aside from your paddle boards, you'll need a few other items to have a fun and safe experience.You'll need a paddle of the appropriate length. I've already explained how to adjust your paddle to the proper height. Paddles are made from a variety of materials. Aluminum is the least expensive, but it is also the heaviest. Fiberglass paddles are lighter and more efficient than wood paddles, but they are more expensive. The best and most expensive paddles are made of carbon.If you have an inflatable SUP, you may need to bring a pump, especially...

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Reasons To Take Your Phone Paddle Boarding.

William Lester

Paddle Logger, the app was created to document what paddlers were up to when paddling, of course, unobtrusively, and the whole user experience has always been centered around this one button and that’s it: tracking, safety, sorted. But why should you keep your phone on you why paddling? Here’s a few reason why: To make memories: Now that our phones have excellent camera and loads of storage space, what is exactly stopping you from documenting those beautiful moments experienced at sea with your friends, family or just by yourself on the paddle board? That photo of the sunset will look...

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Paddle Boarding With Kids

William Lester

Difficult, isn’t it, coming up with fun activities for your kids that doesn’t involve the glowing screen of a television or a laptop or a tablet? How many different outdoor activities can you come up with especially given the pandemic situation? Kids can no longer go to parks and play with others even though lockdown has been lifted in many countries; most parents cannot yet bring themselves to take them to even moderately crowded areas. Fear not, we have a great alternative planned for you- paddle boarding with your kids. This will not only help them stay active but also...

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